As a lady, there are a few things that you should never-ever leave home without...
~Never leave home w/o a smile on your face; especially with all that's going on in the world today. People need hope! People need peace!
~Never leave home w/o peace of mind; Again, there's so much going on. So many decisions that we make on a day-to-day bases. Let peace rule and reign in your heart and mind. Don't make choices without thought or out of anger, that's not a good look...
~Never leave home w/o the essence of humility; There is nothing more precious then a woman that knows that her true power comes from her servitude.
~Never leave home w/o a song; When things get a little sticky for you or someone you're near, pull out your "happy song" and do a little jig. It's always time for a party!!!
~Never leave home w/o a dollar or two in your coin purse; You're bound to run into someone who needs it...
~Never leave home w/o a vision; You've got to know where you're going and when you get there...WORK THAT THANG!
~Never leave home w/o a good book; Take five minutes out of your day (or more if you can) to sneak away into another world
~Never leave home w/o a bottle of water; Simply to keep hydrated!
~Finally, Never leave home w/o knowing who you are! You are beautifully created to be unique and rare. There is no one else that has your make up. When you were created, the pattern was archived. You are an original master piece. Every thing that is you is loved dearly and strategically placed by your Maker...You're Beautiful!