
Lux Tux 5..............


                       You may be asking why didn’t he talk about ties next???? Honestly that is the next in line for most people……… Well I LOVE CUFFLINKS. Like socks you are able to be a little more quirky. You can also be luxurious or be traditional and who doesn’t like to be themselves. J So with all the different kinds of cufflinks running around here and there what do you pick?? Don’t worry you really can’t make a wrong choice (IN MY OPINION) I feel that you wear what you like (when it comes to cufflinks). With cufflinks it’s great to have a story. You know cufflinks that were passed down from your grandfather to father. Or you went on a trip and you bought the cufflinks as a memento. Now, don’t get me wrong if you wear your cufflinks with elegance it doesn’t matter what kind of story they have. They will speak for themselves and that my friends it the true point. So why don’t we let these pictures speak…………..

Okay that was quick and easy right? In the words of Cole Suttle AKA DJ Positive Trauma, "That which you hold in your mind is true" so as long as you believe in yourself and who you are. Your fashion will follow.......... Especially with a little help from yours truly!! UNT, Live Life In Style!!!


Lux Tux DAY 4!!!!!!

DAY 4: SHOE!!!

Most of the time I start off by saying “What do you want to look like??” or saying “Nothing better is being unique”. Well here is the place to do that one very important thing. I like to say that nothing is easier then putting your personality on your feet but, it’s hard to combine everything into a wonder work of art that you wear. The entire party will see your perspective all from the Jacket, Pants, Shirt, Tie, and Shoes you chose to wear. So weather you want to go Classic Patent Leather Loafer with your Classic Tux. Or you chose my route of the Velvet Jacket with  Bold velvet shoes. You can make a statement no one will ever forget!!! Pics??? Yes I think the time is NOW!!!!



So Christian Louboutin has some really great options for the person with a rebellious nature to the person with a traditional persona. We all can have our cake and eat it too. It really is possible with him. But, if I have to pic he is not on my feet for that great year ending celebration……….



Let’s cut to the chase you’re a little different. Like 2 Chainz different. LOL!! So why not strap on these shoes on and paint the town ummmm…………. Whatever color you like because you own the NIGHT!!!

No for real we could be here all night talking about shoes because there just is no end……… and like my neice says “I’m a little bit mad”  all because I need to sleep LOL!! I have to get into bed but, before I go let me show you one more pair of shoes the ones that will make anyone just fall out!! I like werid things that can almost be are for your feet. Especially for guys because we don’t get to show off as much as the women all the time. So nod to the world and be the top dog in this shoe…… LLIS!!!!



Lux Tux DAY 3!!!!!!

DAY 3: Pants!!!!

So now that my computer is no longer playing games with me. We can get a leg up on our Lux Tux situation. (LAME) I had to LOL! I really had to. So let’s talk tuxedo pants. There are always the tried and true black tux pants with the satin outseam. But, can I ask you one question. Why not try something more daring? Why not try something bold?? Just think about a couple of things. One is hem. The other is width. Everything is slim, skinny, or supper skinny. But why not try a nice boot cut look that will give you a different look. If you hate it go slim BUT!!! Make sure it works for you. Then attack the hem. Keep it short. Show a little ankle…… LOL! That sounded so weird. LOL! Off to the Pics.

Go high Hem or normal. Whatever floats your boat.
Do a color they might not expect from you.

Alright that is all that I have for pants this evening. Oh, yeah I have to it keep going...... LOL!!! This New Year ’s Eve is going to be a grand event. Just because you are going solo don’t mean you have to leave solo. Thus the whole point of making sure you are well dressed for the show. LOL!! In the words ON TO THE AFTER PARTY!!!.............Ok ok I'm back lets do a Jay-Z and get “On to the next one….” (dancing and singing the whole song) Cause its “all about progressions”. ROTFL!! I have so much fun.......Good job Swizzy!!! Alright DAY 4 coming right up!!! LLIS!!!

BRIEF DIGRESSION...................

Please let me first apologize for not posting yesterday my computer was being a little wacky. SO I will post 3 separate things today. Let’s get started shall we. We have a plethora of wonderful pieces to discuss. SO OFF TO THE RACES!!! LOL!! While at lunch with some really great friends today we started talking about briefcases. My friend’s father has a wonderful Fendi briefcase and every time I see it I want to do the Rachel Zoe “I DIE”. LOL! To this day I’m still trying to get them to sell it to me. LOL! So here is a small tid bit about briefcases. GET ONE THAT FITS YOU!!!! Nothing says modish YES MODISH like a briefcase. Stand alone among the same black briefcases we see all over the office. Go vintage, go colorful, or go with a pattern. I’m down for anything that makes you even more UNIQUE!!! (If you haven’t learned that yet) Being grown does not mean you have to be LAME!! Hit you town and find attaché that meets your artistic standards. So here are a few ideas.......Enjoy the pics. Live Life IN MAJOR STYLE!!!!!





Lux Tux Day 2!!!!!!

Day 2: THE SHIRT!!!

I know you thought I wasn’t gonna make it today huh?? Well YOU THOUGHT WRONG I’m back again to give you another day of Tuxedology. Let’s talk shirts I know I know you think well it’s just a white shirt. But, there are some things I beg you to consider. What type of collar do you want to wear?? Will it be a traditional wing collar, customary point collar, or cutaway collar? Will you shirt be solid in front, pleated, or will the entire shirt have a texture. Will you have orthodox French cuffs to show of those awesome cuff links you will be purchasing (more to come on that…) or will it be an everyday barrel sleeve. These are all things to consider when choosing the right kind of shirt for you look. I give you pictures……….



I would use the pleated bib front shirt with French cuffs or barrel if I was going to be in a more Traditional Tuxedo. No matter what be it bow tie or regular tie you can really make a statement with any of these shirts. But, you can also pair these shirts with that wonderful velvet jacket you bought ……. You know that awesome double breasted one that fits like a glove. Yeah yeah now you remember. That one is the one you put with a traditional shirt just to give it a little power…………


Now if you were looking to be a little more laid-back. I would suggest going with no tie and this wonderful shirt with black piping. It gives you the detail without the chocking feeling some of you gentlemen get when you are in a tie. LOL!! I would pair this with a nice velvet jacket of any color and black tuxedo pants (more to come on that as well…) J It lets you be the free rebel at the party………


Lastly I am really excited because this shirt below is guys pick. (Points at his self in utter satisfaction…LOL!!!) I love the black pleated bib tux shirt. It is so nifty. LOL!! I had to use that word I just couldn’t help it. J No for real though it is one of my favorite shirts. I own one made by Ralph Lauren and I wear it with a regular tie, bow tie, or without a tie and it look REALLY GOOD!! This shirt with any tux will work just get one already OK!!!

First Jackets now Shirts what else can we go over trust me we are not even halfway done!! But trust me when we are through. You will never have to wonder what to wear to your next formal party. Speaking of parties I have to get ready for mine who wants to iron for me??? No no takers OH WELL!! UNT (Until Next Time)!!!! LLIS!!! (Live Life In Style)


Lux no fuss tux................

With this wonderful year coming to a close, my two favorite holidays fill the air with excitement. First CHRISTMAS and then NEW YEARS, I love every second of December including THE PARTIES!!!!! LOL!! JWith that being said, I feel the need to talk about one of my favorite things for that exclusive invitation only NEW YEARS Party you will be attending this year. Or let us face it you will be Party hopping all night HUH?? YES YOU!! LOL!!! Let us look at


I know I know you have been planning your outfit and entrance for this party for about 8 months. Right?? I have been too trust me. LOL!!! But, let me throw just a little wrench into your plans. I have what I call the “Lux no fuss Tux” options for New Years Eve. With a little alternative thinking as I like to say. We are going to have you in a continuous celebration. So without further ado let us get started! We have so much to go over and so little time. I mean you have to shop don't you!!! So we will go one day at a time. From Tux to Jewelry and beyond………….. Sorry my niece and I have been in a Pixar mode lately LOL! Ok let’s go remember I said it’s your “Lux no fuss Tux” so plan on being the BOND of the ball …… Hope your practicing your name........J


Day 1: THE JACKET!!!!

Your jacket or complete Tux should be your body’s glove. Remember that convo about shoulders eons ago!! LOL!! Think about what you want the jacket to look like. Start with number of button and whether you want a single breasted or a double breasted jacket. Second go with your lapel. You three options right?? Peak, shawl or rounded and old faithful notch lapels. They can be skinny, normal, or giant. Go for it all. The combinations are endless. Well, not really they stop at some point but, you understand yea?? I personally like a double breasted VELVET JACKET with giant peak lapels!!! Like this one.

You also want to give you jacket some interest. So try something you have never done before. Make the walk into your new year looking AMAZING!!! So how do u add that chromatic intrigue? Go with a textured or bold color jacket!! Don’t think classic NEW YEARS EVE tux. Although if that’s your style DO IT!! It’s who you are.

               DON'T CHANGE FOR ANYONE!!!!!

But, if you are looking for a little more think new you, new style, for your new year.

So think fit, shape, color, and comfort!! Trust me you wanna be comfortable if you are going to have a LONG GREAT NIGHT!!! That is if all goes well. LOL!! Until next time LLIS!!!! HOLLA!!!!!!!!


Random Thought...

So, I am going to do a better job as a blogger to come with the biz-ness as often as possible...

There are so many creative people out there and I am so thankful that we have the platform to express ourselves in an infinite amount of ways for basically the entire world to view and take note of...

Doin' it!



Look At Me Now...

Scarf - moms
Sweater - $3 goodwill
Jeans - $10 old navy
socks - idk
shoes - $6 old navy
cluster of brooches - hand-me-downs

It's fall....and I'm going strips!!!




Stefani, we love you and miss you to little sweet baby pieces here in Dallas but you have grown your beautiful butterfly wings and set out to do you and that's legit!

We hope your new self year is blessed, blessed, blessed...Love!


Mall Find

Do you not LOVE this scarf skirt! I do...


Look at me Now

I'm working a Jimmy Choo event tonight so I wore this to work...
- black blazer, $5 GW
- meshy ivory sweater with sequins, $4 Papaya
- black skinny pants, $10
- black tall boot, $7 GW - Nine West!

For the evening event, I'll take off the blazer and replace with a long strand of pearls with a knot in them and put on some red lips!




It's almost time folks! Time for sweaters, boots, and leggings too! I am so excited. Cold weather is my absolute favorite, mostly because of the clothing. Send us some of your best fall looks, and we'll post them for all the blog world to see! Happy (almost) fall!!!


eggshell top with zipper in the back and tails! Forever 21 - $8
leopard print jeans - borrowed
black suede platform pump - borrowed
own necklace - (can't remember)
gold oversized man watch - goodwill, $2


Color Blocking Bay-Ba!

I've discovered today that Cobalt Blue and Barbie Pink go good together with a touch of neutral grain!

Don't be afraid to through a couple of load colors together to make a hot Summer statement. Hurry though because Winter will be here before you know it and we'll all be sporting those "fall colors"; I've always been a fashion rebel so if you're like me, you'll be wearing these HOT colors in the cool of winter.

*If it's any consolation, Texas really doesn't have a Winter so I can get away with it - HA!

Earrings: Urban Outfitters - gift
Cardigan: Forever 21 - forever years ago
Belt: Goodwill - $2
Top: Old Navy - $10
Pants: Ross - $5
Watch: Goodwill - $2
Shoes: Payless - $5


Decision Made


Last week I posted that I was looking to make a decision to either let my hair grow (natural) or cut it off (pixie).

I've "big chopped" twice in the past and I've also worn my hair very short in between both natural attempts. And although I love the natural look, it was just to much maintenance and complications.

My short due never failed me. It stays consistent and effortless...so, with that being said...I CUT IT!


Trendy vs. Style

I don't claim at all to be the "trendy" type. I don't follow what's hot for the season and I don't know anything really about fashion designers and their latest collections, and I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with those that do! I actually commend and applaud those that do.

However, I am one that likes to wear what I want to wear, when I want to wear it! It doesn't matter what season it is and if it's appropriate or if it's "fashion faux pas". I've been known to rock a wool skirt in the summer (it was knee length so I don't think it mattered), I've rocked white after Labor Day (isn't always after Labor day anyway), and I've even done a strapless dress in the winter (I had a short jacket over it)!

I think rules sometimes stifle our creativity and I think trends shouldn't serve as a pattern to copy but a template to inspire your own style. Don't be afraid to do you and be free!