
Style Tips Fm. A Wedding Tradition

Here are 5 easy style tips taken from the Old English wedding tradition...

1) Something Old -

This can be something passed on from someone in your family or a friend, usually a piece of jewelry because that keeps through time better then clothing that often times need serious repair.

My mother has lots of cool jewelry that I've "borrowed" (with no intent on giving it back). Rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and even scarves are good hand-me-downs!

2) Something New -

This something new is most likely a more current item that has recently become a fad (i.e. skinny jeans, tribal prints).

3) Something Borrowed -

Me and my sister borrow from each other ALL-THE-TIME! That's a perk about having a sister or girl friend that you live with; your wardrobe literally doubles! All though we both have different styles we sometimes need that one item that the other has to make the outfit we're wearing "perfect"!

4) Something Blue -

In this case, I'm just going to say, "Something Colorful". Don't be afraid of color! Metephorically, a world without color is bor-ring...and drab. Using color for the first time is something you've got to get used to doing. Take it one small step at a time. Start by wearing bold nail polish, then go for a bold scarf or accessory, next go for a shoe! The next thing you know is you'll be a color expert...

5) A piece of Sixpence -

Many may not know that there are actually five wedding traditions, being given a sixpence, which is a coin, being the fifth. I've learned to always carry at least twenty dollars cash on me. I've been in situations where I wasn't able to use my plastic and wish I had cash on me. So, when you get paid, withdrawl a twenty and keep it in your wallet for that "situation". HA!

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